Where has all the workwear gone?

Can you remember 2011? Going to work meant being suited and booted and ready for business. Now, however, workwear can be pair of joggers from 2009, and some fluffy socks you got for Christmas – even though it’s August.

Which is great when you’re WFH and no-one can see what you’re wearing below shoulder height (thank you, Zoom). But now that F2F meetings are firmly back on the agenda, what even is workwear now? And more to the point, who is selling it?

Search “workwear” on the John Lewis website, and you get a weird mash-up of oversize shirts, elasticated waists and flat shoes for women – and the same with trainers for men.

For the brief moments we had a hot summer here in the UK, the workwear thing was even more bonkers. Floral floaty dress? Shorts in the office? Sandals with your toes poking out? We’re all for clothes you can run in… but surely there’s a line?

Maybe, out there somewhere, is the new workwear. Clothes that combine looking smart with cosiness and stretchy waistlines. If you know where it is, please do tell us…