EDF Energy Blue Lab: Website copywriting

Case Study


EDF Energy Blue Lab

Type of Work

Website copywriting

Helping an innovation lab showcase its unique culture and spirit

The challenge

EDF Energy is one of Europe’s largest energy suppliers – and a global force in nuclear energy. Woven steadfastly into its culture are the processes and approaches that makes its operations safe and reliable.

However, “safe” and “reliable” are not characteristics that necessarily lead to innovation and business diversification.

So the energy behemoth set up an arm’s-length innovation hub, Blue Lab. Blue Lab acts outside of many of EDF Energy’s normal ways of working and gives a space for entrepreneurs, start-ups and individuals to explore new ideas. All this, with the vast expertise and resources of a Big Six energy supplier behind them.

We were already working with EDF Energy when Blue Lab approached us. They asked us to create content for their new website that conveyed the excitement, passion and innovative spirit of the lab. They wanted to encourage innovators and start-ups to join them. And crucially, they wanted to have a separate identity from the EDF Energy brand.

What we did

To create a distinct identity for Blue Lab, we had to get a feel for what it’s like to collaborate with them. We interviewed key stakeholders – from the senior Blue Lab team to start-ups working in the lab – to get their thoughts and hear about their experiences.

Based on their input, we sketched out a tone of voice – and when this was approved, we wrote the entire website, using the copy to get people excited about the challenges and opportunities of working in the lab and getting involved.

We worked closely with the senior team at Blue Lab and the web design agency to get the look, tone and feel exactly right.

We also integrated key words and made suggestions to help Blue Lab’s offer be found easily by the innovators and entrepreneurs it needs to attract.


The website is now a lynchpin in EDF’s strategy to bring new services, products and propositions to market. It attracts ideas and thinking from across the globe – some of which are already out in the marketplace.

Want to learn more? Read our copywriting FAQs or find out how we approach copywriting for energy companies.