What is intelligent storytelling?

Launching new services, acquiring  new entities, hiring teams, becoming more diverse and sustainable – or transforming any area of your operations – requires precise, rational thinking. But rational thinking alone often fails to achieve change.

This is because human beings can make sense of huge volumes of information – often without thinking about it much at all.

An important element of this is our ability to identify patterns and infer meaning from them. Often these pattern-recognising abilities serve us well – allowing our brains to make fast assumptions that keep us safe. But sometimes, this ability becomes a barrier to accepting new ideas that don’t conform to learned patterns.

Story hacks through this, creating space for new approaches to be recognised, embraced and shared.

Intelligent storytelling codifies rational strategy into emotionally resonant narrative elements. When they’re deployed in your organisation, they create space in people’s minds for new visions, ideas and ways of working. Story is the connecting piece – making complex, abstract concepts feel tangible, achievable and ownable.

Intelligent storytelling leverages a resource your organisation already has – language. It creates frameworks around position, message and voice so that your organisation consistently conveys a story that underpins and drives strategic objectives.

Key advantages include:

  • It works across disciplines, teams and geographies
  • Your teams communicate on a daily basis – which means there’s frequent reinforcement of your story
  • You’re using a resource you already have and that everyone is capable of adopting and adapting
  • Great storytelling has the potential to make change go viral – enhancing adoption of new approaches, productivity and reputation

“Great stories happen to those who can tell them.”

Ira Glass
American public radio host, producer and author

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NP22 5QG